Dynatón Rich Communication Services (RCS) enables Mobile Network end users to use Instant Messaging (IM); with video sharing, high-resolution images, and rich content functions similar to OTT apps, with the unbeatable reach of SMS.

This provides marketers the opportunity to increase their customer engagement from its rich content feature and messaging using chatbots, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

User adoption is simple; there’s no need to download multiple apps as users gain direct access to a range of brands and services from within the messaging application itself. This allows them to engage with virtual assistants to help them open a bank account, book flights, buy clothes, make restaurant reservations, and more.


  • Two-way engagement with customers
  • Easy virtual services to your customers
  • Rich visual content better than SMS
  • Better control of your spend


  • Easy to create monetization deals
  • Generate more revenue.
  • Create more value for your customers
  • Increase consumer engagement